Saturday, January 28, 2012

O My Bird....

Now Twitter has jumped into internet censor war with a pre-assurance that it would block all contents objectionable to any specific country…. or I should say government. With all the hullabaloo already going on, and in the view of the running debates that who wants to block what, I can’t say how will they manage with India. Here, everybody entertains the right of freedom to curse others for what they are saying. I would love to see what Twitter is going to block…. the word Elephant perhaps…

Do Not Block Me Pleazzz

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hate Night Matches….. for What???

Serena Williams says she doesn’t want to play at night for she hates bugs….. uninvited and unruly audience of her matches.

Is there anyone on earth, or at least in India, who would say he or she wouldn’t play night match for it’s wastage of electricity. Any one…. While thousands of our villages and even hours of our cities go black, no one ever cares how big danger we’re posing to the environment wasting hard earned electricity for a three - four hour show match.
I don’t take things negatively. I always look for a brighter side. But the bright side here is dark.

I Hate Night Matches

Friday, January 13, 2012

Paracetamol is God

We are unwell. Running high temperatures. We take Paracetamol. We are cured. Fever is gone. We are happy.

There’s a person, who has no faith in this white, round shaped tablet. He says - okay. I don’t have any faith in it. But if you say so, I’ll try it. He takes it. He’s cured.

There’s another person. He says - okay. I don’t know if it works. But anyhow, it looks like a medicine. It may work with me. And he takes it with some faith. He’s cured.

Another’s there. He has full faith in Paracetamol. He takes it. He’s cured.

Paracetamol doesn’t ask if you have faith in it. Also it doesn’t see if you are a Jew, or a Christian, or a Hindu, or a Muslim, or to which cast, or community, or state or nation you belong to. It cures you.

There’s only one condition. You take it.

{find it on Speaking Tree}

Paracetamol is God

Monday, January 2, 2012

Till Facebook Do Us Part......

The 1st news paper of this New Year (1 January 2012) delivered a fantastic news at my door step – Facebook is responsible for one third divorces around the globe. It was the front page news in both the papers I generally read on Sunday morning. In today’s world, a news related to the president of any country, economy crash, war in neighbouring countries may not get place on the front page across all nations of the earth. But anything related to Facebook, Twitter or Google is certainly going to get prominent place in each n every nook and corner of this planet. Only one day before this news was published, a Google survey was also placed on the first page that we, Lucknowites, are second in searching about ‘Sex’ on Google. And we are not behind New York, or London, or Tokyo. These poor cities couldn’t even secure a place in top ten list. Colombo is at the top. Shame on us Lucknowites. Com’mon. We can beat Colombo easily. But what should we do with the Facebook. Wait till Facebook do us part???? Whew!

Till Facebook Do Us Part, Do It With Google